Dee to the Dub

Dee to the Dub
I love the smell of molten brass in the morning....

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Launch Party is confirmed!

Saturday, June 28th at 1 PM will be the official opening of Speedway Handmade Bicycle Works.

Come celebrate with us with food and beverages and talk bicycles all day long until its time for the Night Ride.
The shop is located at
1432 Main St.
Speedway, IN 46224
317-731-4040 for directions.
See you there!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

hiding the progress...on schedule!

For those that might be walking by or stopping to peek at what we've done the last few days will only see the following in our window. The 2nd pic is from the inside, of what our new floor looks like. Big difference from what the previous tenant had installed in the building. DW

Monday, June 09, 2008

Launch Party set for Speedway Handmade Bicycle Works!

I have set a (tentative) date for the launch party for SHBW!
Saturday June 28th will be the official launch of Speedway Handmade Bicycle Works!
Stay tuned for more details soon.