A few things stand out in my mind, however, about this years show. Unfortunately, they are on the negative, rather than the positive.
1. If I tell an exhibitor that they shouldnt have attendees test ride bikes, they should understand and respect it, put the bike back in the booth and then not let it happen again. If I tell them a 2nd time, they just are tempting fate with me. Sure, "its not a big deal" you say... wait until someone wipes out and asks how much insurance I carry. Then it becomes a big deal.
2. If a company had to lie through their teeth to get in and someone calls me on it, who is responsible for allowing a company in? Ultimately, its me. Deception sucks and said company will get ignored for all future years.
Now, onto the good things. I had the most fun of any show. I was more relaxed. It was noticable. Maybe its because I felt at home because I was at home? Maybe it was because I had the right people doing the right jobs for me and I could relax? Could be all of the above. I just know I had fun and got to see plenty of good friends in the biz.
Again, thanks to all who helped, who exhibited and all who supported NAHBS 5.0!
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